Dario Rossi

Dario Rossi is a Chief Expert on Network AI at Huawei Technologies, co. Ltd.
He holds an HDR from UPMC (2010), as well as a PhD (2005) and MSc (2001) degrees from Politecnico di Torino. Before joining Huawei in 2018, he occupied a Chair Professor (2016-2018), Full Professor (2012-2016) and Associate Professor (2006-2012) positions at the Computer Science and Networking department of Telecom ParisTech. He was also a Professor at the LIX department of Ecole Polytechnique (2012-2018). Prior to that, he worked in the Electrical Engineering department at Politecnico di Torino (2001-2006) and held a visiting researcher position in the Computer Science division at University of California, Berkeley (2003-2004). He has coauthored 9 patents and over 150 conference/journal papers on different aspects of networking, that attracted over 5000 citations and received 7 best paper awards. He also received an IETF Applied Network Research Prize (2016), a Google Faculty Research Award (2015), and has been honored with Distinguished Member recognitions from the INFOCOM TPC (2015, 2016, 2017, 2019). He is a Senior Member of IEEE (2013) and ACM (2015).