A best practices guide for FLOSS community managers
The Open Source Way v2.0
- Track: BOFs (Track A - in J.1.106)
- Room: J.1.106
- Day: Saturday
- Start: 15:00
- End: 16:00

tl;dr - contribute to a community management guide written for practitioners, by practitioners; bring your internet-enabled device.
Whether you are a community manager or any other contributor to a free/libre open source software (FLOSS) project, you'll find yourself learning and thinking of good methods and practices for having a happy, successful, and productive project. Community managers and members share these practices with each other all the time -- in talks, in person, as blog posts, and sometimes as a stand-alone book. But has anyone ever really collaborated on a guide that is for practitioners and collaboratively written BY practitioners?
Actually, yes: 10 years ago The Open Source Way 1.0 was written and released. In the passage of that decade, the best practices around caring for FLOSS projects have evolved, as has the work of the people in those community shepherding roles.
We have embarked on a revamp to this guide, and we invite you to comelearn about, participate in, and contribute to this living document real-time during this BOF.
We will begin the BOF with a brief introduction to the guide itself, what is covered within it currently, and an overview of the narrative being told from/to community management practitioners. We'll then get hands-on with the contribution process, starting with a walk through for what is needed for the 2.0 release. After we do some real-time submissions to the guide, the BOF participants can begin working together in small groups or individually on portions of the guide, including both content and publication toolchain.
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Karsten Wade |