Brussels / 2 & 3 February 2019


Giuseppe Maxia

Photo of Giuseppe Maxia

The speaker description is potentially outdated as it is from a previous FOSDEM edition.

Quality Assurance Architect at VMware. Formerly at MySQL AB, and then through acquisitions at Sun Microsystems and Oracle. Then at Continuent, Inc and currently at VMware through a merge. I am active member of the MySQL community and long timer open source enthusiast. During the past 25 years I have worked in various IT related fields, with focus on databases, object oriented programming, system administration. Fluent in Italian, English, Perl, Spanish, Ruby, SQL, Bash, and good speaker of C, French, and Java. I work in cyberspace, with a virtual team.



Title Day Room Track Start End
Test complex database systems in a laptop with dbdeployer
The friendly tool that makes DBA and developers life easy
Saturday H.1301 (Cornil) MySQL, MariaDB and Friends 14:40 15:00