Are you insured against your noisy neighbor?
- Track: Software Defined Networking devroom
- Room: H.2214
- Day: Saturday
- Start: 17:00
- End: 17:20

Traditional NFVi dataplane performance testing rarely focuses on (availability, consumption) dark resources such as CPU Cache and Memory Bandwidth. Much of the Quality of Service fine tuning often leads to oversubscription ending up with shared resource contention often termed as noisy neighbor effects. We present the methodology and test scenarios using open source solutions - OPNFV-VSPERF Framework, Collectd monitoring solution, Stress-NG workload generator and Resource Management client for (a) analyzing the performance impact due to presence of noisy neighbors and (b) controlling resources like Last Level Cache (LLC) for optimal performance. This talk was presented at recent Open Source Summit.
Short Bio: Sunku Ranganath is a network software engineer in Intel Corporation, focused on enabling service assurance solutions for SDN/NFV infrastructures. With background in drivers & firmware development, Sunku has been actively involved in enabling reference solutions, performance methodologies and industry guidance in the NFV domain. Sunku is also an active contributor and user of OPNFV barometer & VSPERF communities.
Sunku Ranganath |