Brussels / 2 & 3 February 2019


Mgmt Config: A tale of three graphs

Real-time, autonomous, automation with graphs (mostly DAG's)

Mgmt is a real-time automation tool that is fast and safe. It works by running a DAG (graph) of resources. The DAG is built in real-time, by running a graph-based DSL (language). We'll fill this talk with a number of exciting real-time demos that show how some cleverly applied graph algorithms can solve an incredibly difficult set of problems. We'll finish this off by including a demo of building a real-time, distributed, finite state machine (a distributed graph) using our tool.

Mgmt is a real-time automation tool that is fast and safe. It works by running a DAG (graph) of resources. The DAG is built in real-time, by running a graph-based DSL (language). We'll fill this talk with a number of exciting real-time demos that show how some cleverly applied graph algorithms can solve an incredibly difficult set of problems. We'll finish this off by including a demo of building a real-time, distributed, finite state machine (a distributed graph) using our tool.

A number of blog posts on the subject are available: Attendees are encouraged to read some before the talk if they want a preview!


Photo of James Shubin James Shubin
