Brussels / 30 & 31 January 2016


Martin Braun

Photo of Martin Braun

GNU Radio Community Manager, UHD Software Lead Developer, RFNoC software lead developer, SDR tinkerer, DSP enthusiast.

When I found GNU Radio in 2008-ish, I realized I had found something cool. Ever since, I'v been a contributing member of GNU Radio, its community manager and SDR developer for Ettus Research, home of the original USRP.


Title Day Room Track Start End
Introduction to the SDR Track
Speakers, Topics, Algorithm
Sunday AW1.125 Software Defined Radio 09:00 09:10
The GNU Radio Toolkit
modtool, PyBOMBS, and how to actually start working on SDR
Sunday AW1.125 Software Defined Radio 09:45 09:55
SDR Track Panel
About the future of free software SDR projects, and how we can collaborate
Sunday AW1.125 Software Defined Radio 12:15 13:10
RFNoC -- Evolving SDR toolkits to the FPGA platform
Faster, lower latency, and still GNU Radio
Sunday AW1.125 Software Defined Radio 13:45 14:05