Brussels / 30 & 31 January 2016


Anand Babu (AB) Periasamy

Photo of Anand Babu (AB) Periasamy

I hack on Free Software.



Title Day Room Track Start End
Why Open Core Licensing Sucks!!
Open-core or partially proprietary licensing model is worse than fully proprietary licensing model
Saturday H.2213 Legal and Policy Issues 13:00 13:50
Rearchitecting Linux I/O towards Petascale Storage
Treat Linux like a microkernel and push towards a simpler distributed user-space storage architecture.
Saturday Janson Enterprise 17:00 17:50
Minio - Amazon S3 alternative in Go
On why Minio chose Go over other languages
Sunday H.1302 (Depage) Go 09:05 09:50