Offline library dedicated to free-licensed games
- Track: Open Game Development devroom
- Room: AW1.120
- Day: Sunday
- Start: 16:00
- End: 16:25

In this talk & demo, Dcalk will open up the Ludobox, an Offline Games Library, to share its content as well as the R&D process of the past year and introduce next steps open to contributions !
Like book and music, board game has entered the era of reproducibility and distributed network. Here and there, creators publish their 3D checkers on-line and editors release games in print-and-play, sometimes under a free licenses. If we can think, that these new formats will one day have their place in a toy library, how that turns the toy librarian profession, users'practices of these structures, and more broadly players ? Promote game as a cultural object is Dcalk's mission. By exploring the creative process, publishing and distribution of board games, we develop transfer spaces for ideas and values to open the sector to other formats and considerations. The Digital Toy library embedds in itself tools, methodologies and values of the digital culture / free culture (license, copy, share, network). Dcalk intends to prospect and accompany these new uses and practices at the crossroads of games and commons, digital crafts and design, digital and cultural mediation, public libraries and fablabs.
In this talk & demo, Dcalk will open up the Ludobox, an Offline Toy Library - following the PirateBox and LibraryBox successful initiatives allowing to share free digital content through an offline network – to gather and physically spreed free-licensed content.
In this talk & demo, Dcalk will open up the Ludobox, an Offline Games Library, to share its content: • digital files ready-to-print containing rules and games'elements: role playing, pervasive game, card game to be cut, board to be made, etc.) • files in .stl format(checkers, plates, tiles) for 3D printing • game storage box pattern (cardboard or organic materials for laser cutter) • pedagogical resources(tutorials and manuals on tools or free software, documentation / methodology to run game design workshops, etc.) • publications on game design, free culture, DIY (essays, articles, e-books, etc)
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