Drawing your gameplay: paper & color based interaction.
- Track: Open Game Development devroom
- Room: AW1.120
- Day: Sunday
- Start: 10:30
- End: 10:55

In this talk we'll describe the DrawPlay technology, allowing anyone with the help of a camera and video projector to use drawings as an entry point for gameplay. We'll showcase how we based Flippaper on it and what we learn from our experience. We'll then finish by presenting the current dev state of our DIY kit which should allow an easier access to this technology to makers and designers.
At first there was the flippaper, a mix between a pinball machine and a drawing table. With the press of a magic SCAN button, whatever you would draw would be granted existence and light. Add to that a little ball projected on paper and you had all you need to draw mad graphic pinballs, play them, erase some part, add some new, play again, and repeat! The power of the underlying tech (paper and color based interaction) was too much for just two people, we felt the need to release it so others could play with it and express their own vision.
Roman Miletitch |