The Bitbox Console
one year after
- Track: Open Game Development devroom
- Room: AW1.120
- Day: Sunday
- Start: 11:00
- End: 11:25

The Bitbox is a 32-bit, minimalist (one-chip) opensource / open hardware, DIY-friendly retro game console aimed at tinkerers and lovers of low level hackers. Several Games have been made as well as programs for it and it sports a small but active community.
One year after the Bitbox presentation at Fosdem '15, what has changed, what was done and where is the project now aimed at ?
This quick talk will not go through how you can develop for the bitbox but will present you the project, why and how it's done from a hardware ad software point of view, new games and programs/ emulators, and finally some of the most recent projects.
The bitbox console is a small open hardware & open source game console. The intent behind it is to make a fun little, open console that anyone can actually build, hack or modify.
I will present the rationale behind it and the current status of the project, and mostly focus on the new projects spawned from the community
A description of the console is available on its main blog.
Makapuf |