Thorsten Behrens

The speaker description is potentially outdated as it is from a previous FOSDEM edition.
Thorsten is a LibreOffice hacker and standards wonk. During his now twelf years of tenure in the project, he's spent most of his time hacking the code in areas ranging from build system, platform abstraction libraries, Impress and Writer.
Thorsten's a computer scientist by education, and a Free Software enthusiast by heart, a geek from early childhood - and someone who was lucky enough to turn a hobby into an occupation. After first working for Sun Microsystems on, he then went with a number of others founding The Document Foundation and the LibreOffice project.
These days, his day job has shifted to virtualization and cluster file system. He very gratefully acknowledges his employer SUSE for sponsoring him having fun hacking open source all day!
Title | Day | Room | Track | Start | End |
Lightning talk slot Demo your cool hack in 5 minutes! |
Saturday | K.3.201 | Open Document editors | 18:00 | 18:20 |