Brussels / 31 January & 1 February 2015


Roman Kennke

The speaker description is potentially outdated as it is from a previous FOSDEM edition.

Roman Kennke is a long time free Java (and Software) activist, originally involved in GNU Classpath since 2004, later participated in opening OpenJDK and since then is regular contributor to several parts of OpenJDK (AWT/Swing, general class library, lately Hotspot). After finishing Diploma in 2007 he was employed by aicas, who are building a hard realtime capable Java VM. During 2009 and 2010 worked for Sun Microsystems on Java Webstart. After a short period as contractor for JP Morgan, he's now a Prinipal Software Engineer at Red Hat, where he used to work on Thermostat, the Zero and Shark port of OpenJDK, and currently on the Shenandoah GC.


Title Day Room Track Start End
Caciocavallo, or how we ported OpenJDK from embedded to cloud and still liked it Saturday K.4.201 Java 13:00 13:25
What Lies Beneath?: Lessons learned hacking the OpenJDK interpreter/compilers Saturday K.4.201 Java 15:30 16:20
Shenandoah - Project overview Sunday K.4.201 Java 12:30 13:20