Interview with James Pallister
Superoptimization. How fast can your code go?
Q: Could you briefly introduce yourself?
I am a PhD student at the University of Bristol, and a research engineer for Embecosm - my research focuses on compilers and optimization. In particular, I’ve been looking at the energy consumption of small battery powered devices and how we can decrease it. There is still much more that can be achieved with new optimizations for both energy consumption and performance.
Q: What will your talk be about, exactly? Why this topic?
Superoptimization can construct the best possible program - the most energy efficient, the fastest, the smallest code. Generally it works by searching every possible instruction sequence until it finds the best one. It is exciting to see how far we can take this, how much extra performance we can squeeze out of our code. Some superoptimizers manage to double the performance for certain bits of code!
Q: What do you hope to accomplish by giving this talk? What do you expect?
I want everyone to realize that superoptimization is becoming something they can use. It used to be a purely academic technique, because it is extraordinarily computationally demanding to do, but with modern computers it is becoming more practical. I want to get people thinking about ways we can speed it up further and make it generally available for everyday use.
This technology is starting to become of commercial interest. This can be seen in the fact that my research has partly been funded by Industry and partly by the UK government’s business innovation agency, InnovateUK.
Q: A superoptimizer that produces the fastest, the smallest or the most energy efficient code sounds like magic. Is this really just a brute force search in the space of valid instruction sequences, or is there a smarter way?
At the core, superoptimization is a just a brute force search. The difficult bit is pruning down the enormous search space so you can find something in a reasonable time. Recently there have been a couple of new approaches which look at the search in a different way, such as using SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theories) solvers and machine learning to direct the search.
Q: Why doesn’t everyone use superoptimization? What’s the downside?
Superoptimization is still computationally demanding, and only works for certain types of code. For example, it still has some difficulty with floating point instructions and memory accesses. However, there are a few techniques for dealing with this, some from my own research, which I shall talk about.
Q: If I want to use superoptimization to make some key code parts in my software optimal, where do I start? Which superoptimizer should I use? Is it easy to integrate it in my build process?
There are many academic teams who have developed their own superoptimizers, but by far the most widely available tool is the GNU Superoptimizer. This project was started over two decades ago. Although it has been less active in recent years, it is still a very effective tool. I’ll be discussing how to use the GNU Superoptimizer, and how to add new architectures and features.
Q: What are the latest developments in superoptimization and which improvements can we expect in the coming years?
Hopefully we will see superoptimization becoming more mainstream, and expanding to handle more and more types of code and programs. I’ll be talking about techniques which can speed up the brute force approach, including machine learning and Monte Carlo methods. I’ll be looking at completely new approaches such as theorem provers, which could be much faster. And I’ll be looking at how superoptimization can become more general - handling loops, memory accesses and floating point instructions.
Q: Have you enjoyed previous FOSDEM editions?
Last year was my first time at FOSDEM, helping run the energy efficiency developer room and I enjoyed it a lot. I’m looking forward to coming back this year.

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