Harald Welte

Harald is the founder of the gpl-violations.org project, which legally enforced the GNU GPL in and out of court since 2004. He has received several Awards for this work, including the Free Software Foundation Award for the Advancement of Free Software. His primary occupation is electrical engineering and low-level development, mostly related to embedded systems, microcontrollers and mobile communications. He has been involved in Linux kernel development, primarily while maintaining the Linux netfilter/iptables packet filter project. Throughout the last decade he has enjoyed researching security of obscure communications protocols such as those used in RFID, DECT, GSM, GPRS, TETRA and others. He runs his freelancing consulting business hmw-consulting and is co-owner of sysmocom, a Berlin-based startup providing mobile communications network equipment.
Title | Day | Room | Track | Start | End |
Compliance Panel | Saturday | K.3.201 | Legal issues | 11:05 | 11:55 |