Gilles Van Assche

Gilles Van Assche currently works in the Secure Microcontrollers Division of STMicroelectronics in Diegem, Belgium and teaches cryptography at the École Supérieure d'Informatique in Brussels. He received the Physics Engineer degree from the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) in 1998. He then joined the company Proton World, which later became part of STMicroelectronics. Between 2000 and 2005, in parallel with his job, he worked on a PhD thesis at the Center for Quantum Information and Communication of the ULB. He is a co-recipient of the prize Le Prix La Recherche mention Mobilités 2004 for his work in quantum cryptography. He is the author of the book "Quantum Cryptography and Secret-Key Distillation" (Cambridge University Press) and of about 30 scientific papers, and has served in the program committee of various conferences. His current research interests are hash function design, modes of operation and side channel attacks. Together with Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen and Michaël Peeters, he is a co-designer of the Keccak sponge function, which was selected by NIST as the winner of the SHA-3 competition. At ST, he works on security and testing aspects of software on secure microcontrollers.
Title | Day | Room | Track | Start | End |
Keccak, More Than Just SHA3SUM | Saturday | Janson | Security | 15:00 | 15:50 |