Introducing the Synnefo open source IaaS cloud platform
- Track: Cloud devroom
- Room: Chavanne
- Day: Sunday
- Start: 14:00
- End: 14:25
Introduction of the Synnefo cloud platform. Synnefo is a complete cloud stack providing Compute/Network/Image/File/Volume services over OpenStack compatible APIs. It is running in production for over a year now, powering the ~okeanos public cloud service for the Greek Research and Education Network, GRNET. It uses Google Ganeti for the low level VM management part.
The talk will cover:
- General architecture and components used (Django, Ganeti, KVM, RADOS)
- Networking: IPv4/IPv6 public networks, how to scale the number of isolated virtual private LANs to the thousands
- Using a content-addressable file storage service as the Image repository
- Unified storage of files, VM Images and live VM disks, independently of the backend storage technology
- Thin provisioning of VMs over such infrastructure (no NAS/SAN), with zero copies while in the same time keeping support for live migrations
- Advantages to running a production service on Synnefo
- Current Industry and Open Source Community use cases of Synnefo
- Production readiness/Scalability/Maintainability on commodity hardware
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Vangelis Koukis |