Brussels / 2 & 3 February 2013


PostGIS 2.0 and beyond

PostGIS 2.0 saw the light in 2012. This new major version of the GIS component of PostgreSQL comes with a lot of core changes and additional features.

Raster in database is one of the long-awaited features present in version 2.0. Topology is also a complete set of features to deal with a new way of storing geometry information. Data management functions, geometry functions... A lot of new functions has been added to what was already available in the 1.5 series.

But PostGIS development is far from being stalled, and a lot of work is ongoing to improve current features, have better performances, and add a whole range of new functionalities to the core set of PostGIS features. Among them, the work on 3D is a huge and complex task, raising new problems, but looks promising. Raster, topology are other areas where a lot of improvement is made.

This talk presents the 2.0 novelties and what we could expect from next versions of PostGIS.


Vincent Picavet
