Press & Promotional
Thank you, volunteers!
FOSDEM would like to thank all volunteers who helped make our conference possible again. The bussload of students that helped with the setup, the numerous volunteers that reacted to the call for volunteers, the people who spontaneously showed up at the infodesk offering their services. The regular veterans, the new blood. You all did a splendid job and we sincerely hope to see you all again next year.
Thanks, guys. Couldn't have done it without you!
Printable Schedule
Want to come to FOSDEM prepared? Want to look through the booklet while you are on your way? Get the booklet here!
Alternatively you can get the printable schedule grid.
Note that some scheduling changes might have occured since the booklet was created. The latest current schedule can be found on our website,in the schedule section
You can also find the mobile site here or use a native smartphone application.