Riccardo Bernardini
Event | Track | Day | Room | Start time | Duration |
PPETP: a P2P streaming protocol implemented in Ada | Ada Devroom | Saturday | AW1.121 | 17:30 | 00:25 |

Riccardo Bernardini was born in Genova in 1964. He is an Aggregate Professor in telecommunications and signal processing at the University of Udine, Italy. After graduating, he began working in the field of digital signal processing, especially fast algorithms for multidimensional signals, filter banks, wavelets and signal compression. Although still a signal-processing-guy, recently he began working also on networking, especially on multimedia streaming over peer-to-peer networks. His research activity brought to the development of PPETP, a peer-to-peer streaming protocol documented in an Internet-Draft and implemented in Ada. He has approximately 100 publications including international conferences and scientific journals.