Schedule changes
The following are last-minute changes and are not in the booklet or printed schedule:
Opening talk:
- only in Janson
Open Mobile Linux devroom:
- new: 'Clouds over computing' by Jens Wiik at 18:00
Virtualization and Cloud devroom:
- cancelled: 'Application scheduling on OpenStack' at 12:00
Telephony and Communications devroom:
- talk swap: 'Mobicents, TelScale and RestComm' now at 10:30
- talk swap: 'Enhancing FreePBX with Adhearsion' now at 13:20
Free Java devroom:
- 'OpenJDK on ARM: Quo vadis' not 60 minutes but 30 minutes
Perl devroom:
- new: 'LedgerSMB: Open source accounting running on Perl' at 12:25
Graph Processing devroom:
- replaced: Bio4j talk by 'Birds of a feather - Graph processing, future trends!' at 11:10
Fri, 02/03/2012 - 22:55