Speaker: Goerkem Cetin
Event | Track | Day | Room | Start time | Duration |
Open Trusted Computing: towards trusted and secure computing | Lightning Talks | Saturday | Ferrer | 14:40 | 00:15 |
Goerkem Cetin

Görkem Çetin is an open source evangelist, training manager and university instructor.
His current doctorate studies focus on human computer interaction issues of open source software. He has been working with Linux since 1992 and PCs since the early Sinclair in 1985. Çetin has authored 5 books on Linux and has written numerous articles for technical and sector magazines and spoken at various conferences about open source development and Linux. Working in TUBITAK/UEKAE, he acts as coordinators and co-coordinators of two open-source related EU FP6 projects, as well as Pardus Linux, dubbed as "most used Linux distribution in Turkey developed by Turkish government". Çetin has co-founded many organizations, Linux Users Group of Turkey, Turkish OpenOffice.org organization, GNOME Turkey and KDE Turkey to name a few.