FOSDEM '08 is a free and non-commercial event organised by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet.


Schedule: /etc/init.d/olpc_europe start

Holger Levsen
Day Saturday
Room H.3227
Start time 15:00
End time 17:00
Duration 02:00
Event type Meeting
Track OLPC
Language English
/etc/init.d/olpc_europe start

During the last 12 months many OLPC grassroots initiatives in Europe and elsewhere in the world popped up, to promote the OLPC idea locally in their communities, to help children locally and globally.

OLPC Europe aims to be a focus point to share experiences, ideas and work between those local groups and towards the global OLPC project. Like the global project we aim to be an education project and use that laptop as a means.

This meeting aims to get the different people from any OLPC related initiative together, to get us know each other and to discuss the feature of the young OLPC Europe project.

If you intend to participate please enter yourself at