FOSDEM '08 is a free and non-commercial event organised by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet.


Schedule: Coherence: a DLNA/UPnP framework

Frank Scholz
Day Sunday
Room Ferrer
Start time 16:40
End time 16:55
Duration 00:15
Event type Lightning-Talk
Track Lightning Talks
Language English
Slides (PDF)
Video (Ogg/Theora)
Coherence: a DLNA/UPnP framework

So my talk would be about adding UPnP functionality to Rhythmbox - what does this mean, what Rhythmbox can do more after that. What we learned from the interaction with a before "isolated" application.

And what's needed for other digital media related Linux software to take part as a server and/or a client in the UPnP world.

UPnP A/V, and DLNA especially, is a set of specifications to define interoperability between digital media sharing devices, like MediaServers and MediaRenderers/-Players.

Coherence is used (embedded) in Elisa [] and since a few months in Rhythmbox [] too. On itself it can act as a standalone MediaServer or a GStreamer based MediaRenderer.

I've finished these days the next plugin for Rhythmbox, let it now act as an UPnP MediaRenderer too, controlled by an UPnP ControlPoint, e.g a Nokia N800 or a N95.