Fosdem O'Reilly
2004 Edition Free and Open Source Software Developer's European Meeting

[ 31-08-2004 ] Call for Presence Developer Rooms and Booth

Check out to know how your project can have a developer room and/or a booth at FOSDEM 2005

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[ 28-08-2004 ] FOSDEM in the News

Linux Magazine article about FOSDEM 2004 available

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[ 04-04-2004 ] Demonstration against software patents

NO Software Patents - Power to the Parliament!
On April 14th, there will be a demonstration against software patents in Brussels. Join us in this freedom fight.
More information on the FFII website and also here

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[ 12-03-2004 ] Slides - updated

Lots of slides are now available for download:

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[ 22-02-2004 ] FOSDEM 2004 is over

Once again, the FOSDEM has kept all its promises.

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