
Harald Welte
Harald Welte is one of the five netfilter/iptables core team members, and the current Linux 2.4.x firewalling maintainer.
His main interest in computing has always been networking. In the few time left besides netfilter/iptables related work, he's writing obscure documents like the UUCP over SSL HOWTO. Other kernel-related projects he has been contributing are user mode linux and the international (crypto) kernel patch.
In the past he has been working as an independent IT Consultant working on closed-source projecst for various companies ranging from banks to manufacturers of networking gear. During the year 2001 he was living in Curitiba (Brazil), here he got sponsored for his Linux related work by Conectiva Inc..
Starting with February 2002, Harald has been contracted part-time by Astaro AG, who are sponsoring him for his current netfilter/iptables work.
Harald is living in Berlin, Germany.


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