
Mozilla developers room
More details:
A detailed description about the Mozilla developer's room (in room H1309) can be found on the schedule on their site
O'Reilly (the main Fosdem sponsor), will be giving away 10 copies of the book "Creating Applications With Mozilla" over the course of the weekend.
There are two Mozilla talks during the main Fosdem sessions (1 Saturday, 1 Sunday), and 5 each of the books will probably be given away after each talk. There will be a signing session thrown in there somewhere too !
More information at http://eu.mozdev.org/Brussels2003/
12:00-13:00 Pre-session meeting
Possibility to meet in the FOSDEM cafeteria, if there is interest Cafeteria
13:00-14:00 Social Boot
This is the time to learn who is attending. People are invited to introduce themselves, talk a few minutes about their interests in the Mozilla project, their motivation, how they are involved, whether they are already contributing, and what they would like to work on in the future. Depending on how many people will attend, this could be around 2-3 minutes per person.
Mozilla room H1309
14:00-15:00 SVG in Mozilla - Alex Fritze
This talk gives an overview of the Scalable Vector Graphics language, its current implementation status in Mozilla, and its relationship to other XML languages such as XBL, XHTML and CML. <http://www.croczilla.com/svg/>
Mozilla room H1309
15:00-16:00 Mozilla As Application Platform - Brian King
Since the release and re-write of the source code in 1998, Mozilla has evolved from a client browser suite into a feature-rich platform on which to write "web-enabled" applications. This talk will chart this evolution, introduce some of the technologies harnessed, and tell you how to get started with your own application.
Note that this talk is part of the main Fosdem sessions. Copies of the book 'Creating Applications With Mozilla' will be given away after this session, most likely accompanied by a signing opportunity.
Fosdem Tutorial room
16:00-17:00 Cascades and Creating an XUL+JS Based Mozilla Extension - Daniel Glazman
CaScadeS <http://cascades.mozdev.org/> is a stylesheet editor for Composer, the HTML editor of Mozilla/Netscape. Written only in XUL and Javascript, it is easily 'XPI-able'. This talk will show how it is possible to build such a CSS editor on the top of the CSS Object Model, XUL and Javascript in just a few days.
Mozilla room H1309
10.00-11.00 XSLT and XPath in Use - Jonas Sicking
Practical uses for the XSLT module and XPATH functions in Mozilla.
Mozilla room H1309
11.00-12.00 Native Database Support - Jan Varga
Jan is currently working on building native database support into Mozilla, and will discuss some of the features, API's, and future directions for this exciting feature.
Mozilla room H1309
12.00-13.00 Localisation (l10n) : Achievements and Future Directions - Robert Kaiser
As maintainer of the German (Austrian) language pack and Mozilla Deutsch, Robert will give informed insights into the process, and what is to be expected in the future. One exciting new projects is l10ntools over at mozdev.
Mozilla room H1309
13.00-14.00 Break
14.00-15.00 The Bitflux Editor and Mozilla - Christian Stocker
Bitflux is a browser based (currently Mozilla-only...) Wyswyig XML Editor (http://bitfluxeditor.org). The Bitflux Editor is an Open Source Project, which uses a lot of the more advanced features of Mozilla, including XSLT, XPath, CSS-on-XML and is written completely in Javascript.
Mozilla room H1309
15.00-16.00 Advanced Bugzilla Use : A Hacker's Guide - Gervase Markham
With KDE, Gnome, Open Office and the Linux kernel now all using Bugzilla or its derivatives, many hackers come into contact with a Bugzilla installation on a regular basis. This talk offers a collection of hints, tips and tricks designed to help those who are already regular Bugzilla users work more effectively and productively. There will also be an opportunity for "what's the best way to do X?" and similar questions.
Mozilla room H1309
16:00-17:00 Getting Started - Kai Engert
Getting Started with Mozilla Sourcecode & Contributing to the C/C++ Codebase. Talk, questions & answers
Note that this talk is part of the main Fosdem sessions.
Fosdem Conference Room 2


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