David Llewellyn-Jones

David (he/him) is a Research Data Scientist at The Alan Turing Institute and a member of the Research Compute Team helping manage and develop the organisation's High Performance Computing and Cloud infrastructure.
In previous lives he's been a computer games programmer, Reader of Computer Security at Liverpool John Moores University, a researcher at the University of Cambridge on the Pico Project and most recently a software engineer developing the Linux-based Sailfish OS smartphone operating system at Jolla in Finland.
David is passionate about open source and open research. He's involved in open source software development and the open source community, especially the community around Sailfish OS, where he's been a long-time contributor to the Sailfish Community Newsletter. He's currently part of the community developer team working on uptrading the Mozilla Gecko EmbedLite-based browser for the system.
Besides programming David enjoys playing computer games, but after 81 hours of playtime is still stuck on the last level of Celeste.