Brussels / 3 & 4 February 2024


From "Free-Lunch" to Dog-Fooding: A Culinary Journey in Crafting IaC for Kairos Testing and Building

Kairos is a meta-distribution. As such, we try to constantly increment the number of flavors that we build and test. As an open-source project, we can make good use of free runner time on platforms like GitHub. But I guess there's no such thing as a free-lunch because those runners lack the performance we need to run our test suite. This is why in 2023 we decided to dog-food Kairos and used it to build our infra as code. Allow me to share this culinary experience with you and show you how we test and build every Kairos release!


Photo of Mauro Morales Mauro Morales
Dimitris Karakasilis

