Ludovic Dubost

Creator of XWiki and CEO of XWiki SAS, Ludovic has been the gentle organizer of the XWiki SAS company for 18 years.
XWiki SAS, only building free & open-source software leads the development of the XWiki Software used by thousands of organizations and helps companies and organizations all over the world organize, share, and collaborate on content. XWiki also leads the development of CryptPad (, the E2EE Real-time Collaborative Suite, including Simple pads, Office document Editors, Drive, Online Forms and more.
A graduate of Ecole Polytechnique (X90) and Telecom Paris (95), Ludovic Dubost started his career as a software architect for Netscape Communications Europe. He then joined NetValue as CTO, a company doing online usage analysis. He left NetValue after the company was purchased by Nielsen/NetRatings, before creating and launching XWiki in 2004. Ludovic has been a speaker at various events including Paris Open Source Experience, FOSDEM, OW2 Conference, RMLL, JDLL, Capitole du Libre, speaking about Collaboration Software, Financing FLOSS software and Privacy Solutions.
I'm also member of the OpenFoodFacts board.