Jason Nucciarone

Jason is currently a software engineer within the high-performance computing team at Canonical. He originally got into the HPC industry when he was in university and found that he really enjoyed tackling the challenges faced by end-users and system administrators of HPC clusters. His day job (what he does at Canonical) is largely focused on making Ubuntu a better platform for HPC ranging from deployment to just getting your software installed where you need it. This involves packaging a lot of popular open-source HPC applications for Ubuntu - for example, Apptainer - and developing "HPC operations as code" in the form of Juju charms. His night job (what he works on in his free time) is experimenting with "micro" HPC clusters. A common problem that he found in his work was that he had no effective or easy way to test the software that he was developing. Therefore, he started building out micro-HPC clusters using open-source container/virtual machine hypervisors (LXD, kvm, etc.), OpenLDAP, SLURM, and NFS. Now he is working on a testing framework that wraps around this micro-HPC concept called "cleantest". What he hopes to accomplish with this framework is to be able to effectively bring up the nodes of the cluster, inject Python scriptlets that perform the tests, and be run on any substrate whether it be your local machine to a Jenkins pipeline hosted somewhere in Arizona.
Title | Day | Room | Track | Start | End |
Developing effective testing pipelines for HPC applications | Sunday | UD2.120 (Chavanne) | HPC, Big Data and Data Science | 16:30 | 16:55 |