Inspektor Gadget: An eBPF Based Tool to Observe Containers
- Track: Monitoring and Observability devroom
- Room: UB2.252A (Lameere)
- Day: Sunday
- Start: 15:10
- End: 15:40
- Video only: ub2252a_lameere
- Chat: Join the conversation!

Nowadays, a lot of applications run inside containers. The extra layer of isolation provided by containerization brings specific challenges to monitor and observe these applications.
Inspektor Gadget is a set of eBPF tools which permit monitoring and observing applications running inside containers, both locally or in distant Kubernetes clusters. By relying on eBPF, we are able to trace specific events while being lightweight.
Nowadays, a lot of application run inside containers. The extra layer of isolation provided by containerization brings specific challenges to monitor and observe these applications.
Inspektor Gadget is a set of eBPF tools which permits monitoring and observing of applications running inside containers, both locally or in distant Kubernetes clusters. By relying on eBPF, we are able to trace specific events while being lightweight.
This talk will present Inspektor Gadget from two points of views:
- A user point of view showing the tracing opportunities offered by the tool.
- A technical point of view explaining how we adapted eBPF tools to fit them to applications running in containers.
Along the presentation, the focus will first be set on local-gadget, which concentrates on locally running containers, then on kubectl-gadget, which permits monitoring and observation of k8s containers. The presentation will be punctuated by short demonstrations showing the possibilities offered by both tools. specific to containers running on the same host.
Francis Laniel |