Yanina Bellini Saibene

Yanina Bellini Saibene, MS. She is a tenured researcher at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA, Argentina). She applies computer and data science skills to bring technological developments to rural and underserved regions of Argentina. She coordinates the National Network of Agroecosystem Modeling at INTA. She also develops software to support research and education. She is a professor at undergraduate and graduate levels in several universities in Argentina and Uruguay, teaching applied Data Science and developing open courses and tutorials to teach technical skills in data management. She is a trainer and instructor for The Carpentries and an RStudio certified instructor. She is a member (elected by the community) of the Executive Council of The Carpentries. She has trained teachers since 1996 through the Federal Network of Continuous Teacher Training (National Ministry of Education, Argentina). She is part of the R-Ladies Global team and organizer of the R-Ladies Santa Rosa chapter. R-Forwards Core Team and Conference Team Lead, co-founder/chair of several international conferences (user! 2021, LatinR, JAIIO, CAI), and an international keynote speaker. She also leads and participates in community translation of educational and technical material into Spanish, like Teaching Tech Together (https://teachtogether.tech/), R4DS (https://github.com/cienciadedatos), and The Carpentries Lessons. More information about Yanina: https://yabellini.netlify.com/.
Other talks I give: - RStats: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTWqaCPll6i9d5pZWRlFRKfd4L2ng874g - Agricultural sector: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTWqaCPll6i8Pbut3ExtLPUwA64T8b5kz