Online / 5 & 6 February 2022


Marcelo Amaral

Marcelo works as a performance scientist at IBM Research. Mainly working with Kubevirt performance and scalability by joining the collaboration with Red Hat, he has also worked on benchmarking and tuning microservice workloads and IBM's cloud infrastructure. Over the years, he has presented his work at numerous academic and industrial conferences.

Dr. Marcelo Amaral is a Research Scientist at IBM Research - Tokyo, where he has been working with cloud-based infrastructure performance engineering. He is currently leveraging his IBM cloud performance analysis expertise in a joint collaboration with Red Hat on Kubevirt performance analysis. His research interests are resource management, parallel and distributed systems, operating system, workload optimized systems, networking, fault tolerance, and benchmarking. Dr. Marcelo has spoken at major academic and industry conferences, including Supercomputing and IEEE NCA.



Title Day Room Track Start End
KubeVirt scale test by creating 400 VMIs on a single node Saturday D.virtualization Virtualization and IaaS 12:00 12:30