Christopher Klooz

Chris' technical expertise focuses on security issues around Linux (particularly Fedora & its downstream), virtualization and Python, with experiences in red-teaming. He worked for 2 1/2 years in the Linux industry before he studied International Relations and spent 8 years in related positions in the German Armed Forces. At the same employer, he shifted his focus in 2018 to information security-centered issues in conjunction with interdisciplinary approaches around socio-technical systems. Currently, he is pursuing a second master's degree in Information Security at Royal Holloway, University of London. Today, his major focus lies on holistic security provisions for people in socio-technical societies, where isolated approaches to physical and information security are no longer useful. His second focus is on the reasons for the still widespread use of insecure programming methods & configurations and broken cryptography among administrators and developers (and their relations to competition): two interrelated fields of research on socio-technical systems. He is passionate about Linux, Fedora and crypto since he was about 13 years old.