Online / 5 & 6 February 2022


CANCELLED Debugging Strategies for Emulator Developers

Are bugs a form of artificial life?

Emulators, especially ones targeting real time performance, can become very complex, and can present unique debugging challenges - more akin to cpu, operating system and compilers than typical software projects.

In this talk I will cover common and not-so-common classes of bugs that manifest themselves in a vast range of emulators (gameboy, dreamcast, x86/64 usermode will be used as examples), and strategies and heuristics I've used over the years to identify, prevent, mitigate, fix and prevent them from reappearing.

Both theoretical concepts and background, as well as concrete examples of past bug hunts will be included.


Photo of Stefanos Kornilios Mitsis Poiitidis Stefanos Kornilios Mitsis Poiitidis
