##ROS + Pharo!
Pharo is a really powerful live-programming environment. There are many many possible usages of such a language, but probably one of the most excitings is on robotics. A live environment, managing a complex live process network controlling one or many robots.
Much work has been done specially by the CAR (ARTS) Team.
CAR Team @ GitHub CAR Team @ IMT Lille Douai
Some of this work is available to see on videos
Pharo+ROS Differential drive robot guides visitors in an office building
Pharo+ROS Differential drive robot guides costumer in an hypothetical shopping
And some of it has been also pursuited in Inria Lille. Non-A (team now known as Valse )
I still remembering our first presentation. It was in FOSDEM 14 :)
Tensor Flow is great solution for Artifitial intelligence. Pharo community values this open source contribution and because of that we propose bindings to Tensor Flow! TensorFlow+Pharo@Github
Keras Is also great way to interact with machine learning solutions. And we do also provide bindings to it! Keras+Pharo@Github
PolyMath is a Pharo project, similar to existing scientific libraries like NumPy, SciPy for Python or SciRuby for Ruby. PolyMath already provides the following basic functionalities:
The authoritative book on PolyMath is available Software produced
Here a wonderful video on Data Analysis for Pharo with PolyMath!