Brussels / 2 & 3 February 2019


Michael Hausenblas

Photo of Michael Hausenblas

distributed systems jester, interested in cloud native (Kubernetes, serverless, etc.)

Michael is a Developer Advocate for Kubernetes and OpenShift at Red Hat where he helps appops to build and operate apps. His background is in large-scale data processing and container orchestration and he's experienced in advocacy and standardization at W3C and IETF. Before Red Hat, Michael worked at Mesosphere, MapR and in two research institutions in Ireland and Austria. He contributes to open source software incl. Kubernetes, speaks at conferences and user groups, and shares good practices around cloud native topics via blog posts and books.



Title Day Room Track Start End
Go containers? Go serverless?
A cloud native journey
Saturday UD2.120 (Chavanne) Go 13:30 14:00
Cloud Native Security 101 Saturday H.2215 (Ferrer) Lightning Talks 18:20 18:35