Brussels / 2 & 3 February 2019


Jean-Pierre Rosen

Photo of Jean-Pierre Rosen

Jean-Pierre Rosen graduated from ENST (French engineering school) in 1975, and obtained PhD in 1986. He started as a software engineer at the computing center of ENST, then as Professor, where he was responsible for the teaching of Software Engineering and Ada. He has formed Adalog, a company specialized in high level training, consultancy and software development in the fields of Ada and associated technologies (software engineering, object oriented methodologies).

Jean-Pierre Rosen is a member of the ARG (Ada Rapporteur Group of ISO's WG9), the group of experts in charge of maintenance and evolution of the Ada language. He was a member of the expert team who controlled the development of the validation suite for Ada 95. He is the author of "Methodes de Genie Logiciel avec Ada 95" (Software Engineering Methods with Ada 95) and "HOOD: an industrial approach for software development".


Title Day Room Track Start End
An Introduction to Ada for Beginning and Experienced Programmers Saturday AW1.125 Ada 10:35 11:20
What is Safety-Critical Software, and How Can Ada and SPARK Help? Saturday AW1.125 Ada 15:30 15:50