Brussels / 30 & 31 January 2016


Michael Hausenblas

Photo of Michael Hausenblas

Michael is a Developer and Cloud Advocate at Mesosphere. He helps devops to build and operate distributed applications in a scalable and elastic manner. His background is in large-scale data integration, Hadoop, NoSQL datastores, IoT, as well as Web applications and he's experienced in advocacy and standardization at W3C and IETF. Michael is contributing to open source software at Apache (Mesos, Myriad, Drill, Spark) and shares his experience with the Datacenter OS and large-scale data processing through blog posts and public speaking engagements.



Title Day Room Track Start End
From pets to cattle to flock of birds—why you'll never need to ssh into a server again and what else the future will bring for appops
Serverless computing—the next hot thing after containers
Saturday UA2.114 (Baudoux) Containers and Process Isolation 11:05 11:35