Brussels / 30 & 31 January 2016


Guillaume Roguez

Photo of Guillaume Roguez

Project director and Senior free-software consultant

Guillaume Roguez leads the Ring project Team as project director for Savoir-faire Linux (Montreal, CA-QC).

In 2012, he joined this company as a senior free-software consultant in the embedded department.

After his studies at "l'Institut Supérieur de l'Électronique et du Numérique" (ISEN) at Brest (France), he started his engineer career as an embedded software developer and software integrator at world leading firms, specialized in technology, such as Philips Semiconductors (now known as NXP), Texas Instrument, Pitney-Bowes (in France) and CES (in Switzerland).

He has developed a deep knowledge in low-level software, multi-medias codecs, real-time constraints, testing, applied to a wide range of domains from customer to military-grade applications.

He has gained experience with GNU/Linux kernel and free-software projects (like Blender and CPython portages on non-posix platform) over the past 15 years.


Title Day Room Track Start End
Building a peer-to-peer network for Real-Time Communication
Can a true peer-to-peer architecture, with no central point of control, be a universal and secure solution?
Sunday K.1.105 (La Fontaine) Communications 11:00 11:50