Brussels / 30 & 31 January 2016


AMENDMENT: Building an IoT Empire

Developing IoT infrastructure with a variety of data transports, emphasizing Bluetooth

In this half hour lecture we draw from experiences of delivering half day IoT workshops while focusing on the Bluetooth and Bluetooth Smart data transports for M2M communication. Several demonstrations illustrate the topic in question, emphasized by a whirlwind tour of IoT device classes on the mobile IoT lab [1].


In this half hour lecture we draw from experiences of delivering half day IoT workshops while focusing on the Bluetooth and Bluetooth Smart data transports for M2M communication. Several demonstrations illustrate the topic in question, emphasized by a whirlwind tour of IoT device classes on the mobile IoT lab [1].


(Please note that this talk replaces 'Build your world in webVR: MOzVR to rescue' that was to have been given by Rabimba Karanjai.)


Michael Schloh von Bennewitz

