Ol3-Cesium : 3D for OpenLayers map
An exciting library for automatically bringing 3D to your map
- Track: Geospatial devroom
- Room: AW1.121
- Day: Sunday
- Start: 14:55
- End: 15:10

Ol3-Cesium is an exciting web library bringing 3D to an OpenLayers3 map. A Cesium virtual globe is automatically created from the map and displayed side-by-side for collaborative interaction or stacked for exclusive tasks. The globe camera and the map view (centre, resolution, rotation) are bidirectionally synchronized: interacting on one updating the other.
Layers are synchronized from the map: - ol3 raster layers show up on the globe and reuse cache when possible; - ol3 vector layers render using the same style and may be positioned freely in 3D. Additionally, specific data may be displayed on the globe, like terrain or vectors.
Vectors are re-projected on-the-fly during synchronisation. Since one synchronizer may not fit all needs, the library exports core functions to allow advanced or custom use.
Guillaume Beraudo |