2014-02-06 »
First videos are online
The first two videos have been released
The video of the opening talk and of the first main track in Janson have been released. To watch them, either follow the links above with a browser that supports the HTML5 <video> element and the WebM format, or go to the video server where you can manually download them.
The other videos will be transcoded and uploaded as soon as they are ready, so please bear with us for a while longer. We will make one further announcement when all videos have been transcoded and are ready.
In case of problems, do not hesitate to contact us.
2014-02-03 »
The videos are not online yet, despite what you might think.
As we've been recording a lot more videos than in past years, we also have a lot more work ensuring everything is done right and that everything is ready. As part of that, we're currently using video.fosdem.org to store a few low-quality renderings of some video snippets so we can review if they're content or garbage.
These are not the final videos yet! The final videos will be of much higher quality, but we're not quite ready to produce them; expect another announcement here when that is the case.