Interview with Gilles Van Assche, Joan Daemen and Michaël Peeters
Keccak and SHA-3: code and standard updates. From the Keccak Code Package to a wide range of cryptographic applications
Q: Could you briefly introduce yourself?
We, Guido, Joan, Michaël, Ronny and Gilles, are cryptographers working at STMicroelectronics (Guido, Joan, Ronny, Gilles) and NXP (Michaël). During the last few years we have joined forces, concentrating on permutation-based cryptography with a focus on actual usability. We designed the primitive Keccak, which we submitted to the NIST SHA-3 competition, and more recently Ronny joined us for the design of Ketje and Keyak, submitted to the CAESAR competition.
Q: What will your talk be about, exactly?
It will be a follow-up of our talk at FOSDEM 2013, although it will be self-contained as we don’t expect people to remember it or to have attended it at all.
After a recap of what Keccak is and what it is useful for, a first important point will be to summarize the current developments around Keccak and the FIPS 202 standard. We will talk about the status of the FIPS 202 draft, the SHAKE extendable-output functions (XOFs), NIST’s plans to exploit Keccak’s abilities for other purposes than just hashing, and our own developments with Ketje and Keyak, two authenticated encryption schemes based on Keccak that we submitted to the CAESAR competition.
A second important point will be to present the ongoing effort to gather and structure Keccak implementations and applications (among others, SHA-3 hash functions and SHAKE XOFs) in the Keccak Code Package. These open source implementations are organized in a way that aims to satisfy both the developer of optimized Keccak code and the protocol or application developer. Central to this organization is a specific internal interface that allows interchangeable optimized codes and a user-friendly set of external services.
Q: What’s an extendable-output function (XOF) and what is it good for? How does it compare to a hash function?
An extendable-output function (XOF) can be seen as a generalization of hash functions where the output length is not limited to a specific number of bits but is potentially infinite. The phrase “extendable output” points out that the user does not need to know in advance how many bits (s)he will need but can ask for more output bits at any moment. Concretely, XOFs can be used to take over complex constructions involving hash functions and counters. With RSA, this is of immediate benefit to full domain hashing, to RSA OAEP (Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding) and to RSA PSS (Probabilistic Signature Scheme). Other use cases are key derivation functions and stream ciphers.
Another important conceptual difference is that a XOF’s security strength can be chosen (e.g., through Keccak’s capacity value) and is not bound to its output length, as it is unfortunately traditionally the case with hash functions. This flexibility allows for better security-performance trade-offs. For instance, with a key derivation function, the length of the derived key material can greatly vary from one application to another, in a way that is in general not related to the required security strength.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish by giving this talk? What do you expect?
Our primary purpose is to give the community a view of what is going on with Keccak. We also wish to highlight its ease of use and the transparency of its design. Finally, we also want to draw attention to the Keccak Code Package and its internal structure.
Q: Already since the selection of Keccak as the winner of the SHA-3 cryptographic open competition in 2012, NIST mentioned that it “may consider standardizing additional constructions based on the Keccak permutation, such as an authenticated-encryption mode, in the future.” What’s the status of this plan to use Keccak for other purposes than just hashing?
At the SHA-3 2014 Workshop in August, NIST presented more details on their plans. FIPS 202 will approve the SHA-3 hash functions and SHAKE XOFs, but it will also specify all the necessary ingredients to minimize the effort of defining other use cases. These other use cases would then be standardized by way of special publications referring to FIPS 202.
The topics NIST presented at that conference are:
- parallelizable hashing,
- message authentication codes (MACs) and key derivation functions,
- authenticated encryption,
- generic domain separation mechanisms on top of these.
Q: One of the reasons why Keccak won the SHA-3 competition is that it’s designed very differently from SHA-2, using the so-called sponge construction. Did this sponge construction have applications you didn’t expect?
The duplex construction, a close variant of sponge, together with its application to authenticated encryption, came to us as a surprise. We discovered it during the SHA-3 competition, when the focus was on hashing and keyed applications such as MACing. Today, this idea has grown beyond Keccak, given the numerous sponge-based authenticated encryption schemes that were submitted to the CAESAR contest.
Q: What’s the status of your Keccak Code Package? Which functionality is already available?
The Keccak Code Package (KCP) currently contains open-source implementations of Keccak instances (including these defined in the FIPS 202 draft), optimized for several platforms. The implementations are tested and ready to be used.
What is available in the KCP can be described along two axes: the modes of use and the optimized permutation. From the point of view of applications, the currently available modes of use are hash functions, XOFs (including SHAKE128 and SHAKE256) and authenticated encryption (Ketje and Keyak). The sponge and duplex constructions are also directly accessible, so many other modes of use can simply be written as wrappers around them. As for optimized permutations, the KCP includes at least a reference implementation of all Keccak-f/p permutations with width 200 and more. For widths 800 and 1600 (the most efficient ones on 32-bit CPUs or higher), we have several optimized implementations in C as well as some in assembly.
The KCP also focuses on the parallelized implementation of multiple instances targeting SIMD units, for which Keccak shows to be quite fast. In that area, we are done with 128-bit SIMD implementations and are busy with larger SIMD implementations.
Note that the goal is that the KCP does not remain entirely “ours”. For instance, we recently integrated Vladimir Sedach’s AVX2 implementation (single instance) into the KCP.
Q: How can interested developers contribute to the Keccak Code Package? For which tasks could you use some manpower?
It is clear that we welcome contributions to the KCP, as we simply don’t have enough bandwidth alone to be able to progress as fast as we wish on this project.
The most direct way a developer can contribute is by adding (or improving) an implementation of one of the permutations, targeting a given processor or optimizing a specific cost function (e.g., code size, RAM usage). It can be immediately integrated to the KCP if it follows the “SnP” interface. We are also interested in optimized implementations of parallel applications of the Keccak-f[1600] permutation on SIMD units. In this case, the relevant interface is called “PlSnP”.
As of today, the selection of the optimized permutation is done compile-time. While this still allows the flexibility to use all applications on top of that permutation, it prevents the creation of a library where the selection would be done run-time. It is another area where discussions and contributions would be welcome.
Q: Have you enjoyed previous FOSDEM editions?
One of us (Gilles) has attended FOSDEM since 2012. Two others (Joan and Michaël) attended FOSDEM 2013. So far, we have really enjoyed this event!

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