Interview with Alex Bradbury
lowRISC. The path to an open-source SoC
Q: Could you briefly introduce yourself?
I’m a researcher at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory and co-founder of the lowRISC project. Up to now, my research has been based around compiler technology for a novel many-core architecture we are developing. In my spare time, I’m a long-time contributor to the Raspberry Pi project, contributing towards OS and software work since the first alpha hardware has been available, as well as more general educational work (Robert Mullins, who leads the lowRISC effort was of course one of the Raspberry Pi co-founders). I’ve also been producing a weekly summary of LLVM developments for just over a year now.
Q: What will your talk be about, exactly?
LowRISC is a not-for-profit project to produce a completely open source SoC (System on Chip), with a plan to produce volume silicon and low-cost development boards. My talk will cover the aims of the project, our current status, future plans, and more. Open source silicon is seen to have the odds stacked against it with issues such as the very high costs of silicon production, limited pool of skilled hardware designers, and long iteration cycles. My talk will discuss our approach to these problems, how people can get involved, and the opportunities a clean-slate open source SoC design offers.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish by giving this talk? What do you expect?
I hope to raise awareness of our project and our vision for open source silicon as well as attracting new contributors and collaborators. It’s also a great opportunity to get more feedback on our direction and target feature set. We were initially worried about sharing details of the project at such an early stage, but the feedback and help we’ve received so far have helped us move forwards at a much faster rate than we would have been able to otherwise.
Q: What’s the history of the lowRISC project? What was the motivation to start it? How did it evolve? Is this what you planned it to be? What have been the biggest challenges?
The roots of the project go back to the Raspberry Pi, which Rob Mullins co-founded and I became a major contributor to. This opened our eyes to the level of interest in hardware from the open source community and the wider hacker/maker communities. During the summer of last year, Gavin Ferris got in touch and kicked off a discussion about what it would take to produce an open source SoC and how we might be able to succeed where others have failed. We started looking at choices regarding what instruction set architecture to adopt, and ultimately settled on RISC-V which also has the advantage of allowing us to build upon the excellent ‘Rocket’ RISC-V core implementation from Berkeley, which has been taped out several times at 45 nm and 28 nm.
Open source hardware has been moderately successful for PCB designs or mechanical designs (e.g. for 3D printers) but hasn’t had that same level of acceptance in silicon design. We want to show the viability of open source silicon and to ultimately exist as a successful open source project with a wide contributor base. Our motivation is that we feel an open source reference SoC design that is competitive with existing proprietary offerings will improve the pace of innovation in the semiconductor industry, both by providing an easier path to transition research ideas to real world use and by lowering the barrier of entry for new semiconductor startups.
I’d say it’s definitely too early to judge whether the project has truly become what we planned it to be. The main way the project will evolve over the coming months is in terms of open development. As we release more code, an increasing percentage of our work and discussion of design decisions will happen in public with the wider community. We’re already seeing a number of interesting design discussions take place on our mailing list.
There are a range of challenges in getting the first test chip out of the door and the longer path to production silicon. With digital logic, it’s relatively easy to simulate and have some assurance it will work in the actual chip. More difficult are the lower level aspects of the chip design that are often overlooked, such as packaging and integration of things such as the physical memory interface. We’re seeing a number of viable paths to this first test chip but these issues certainly take up a lot of time and we’re grateful to the advice we’ve received so far. At this stage, a 28 nm test chip is not outside of our reach and I should point out we’re not new to chip design - e.g. we have a 128-core test chip for a separate research project due to be taped out this summer.
Q: What is tagged memory and which attacks does it prevent? And does it have other applications outside security?
The basic concept of tagged memory is simple. Each memory location is associated with a tag (metadata). Our initial motivation was security, in particular to prevent control-flow hijacking attacks. All attacks in this category at some point require overwriting a code pointer, whether it be a return address, function pointer, or vtable. By using these memory tags to provide fine-grained read-only protection, we can prevent buffer overflows from overwriting code pointers and thus prevent these attacks (see the memo we released for more details and some subtleties). Although security was the initial motivation there are also a range of other potential uses, including accelerating debug tools like Google’s AddressSanitizer/ThreadSanitizer/etc series of tools, marking pointers for garbage collection, or (with some extra hardware support) as full/empty bits for lightweight synchronisation. Part of our overall design philosophy is to try to come up with reusable functionality rather than single-purpose solutions to a particular problem.
Q: What are minion cores and how do they compare to external microcontrollers and FPGAs to extend I/O functionality?
Minion cores are our approach to implementing I/O in software. A lowRISC chip might for instance contain 8 or more minion cores, each implementing the RISC-V ISA. They are smaller and more power-efficient than the main application cores. Initially we’re targeting low-speed protocols like SPI/I2C/I2S/SDIO, though in the future we hope to explore implementing more complex, higher-speed protocols like USB or Ethernet. Like tagged memory, this isn’t a completely new idea. There are numerous examples of using a processor to implement I/O from the present day ‘PRUs’ in the TI Sitara used in the BeagleBone Black going back to the CDC6600. Advantages include an easier way of handling real-time tasks, the ability to do more processing or filtering on the minion cores, the ability to execute security sensitive code in a hardware-separated execution environment and a reduction in the number of individual SoC components (or ‘IP blocks’) that need to be implemented and verified. The main advantage versus external components is that we can get this flexibility on-chip, all using the same instruction set as the main application cores, potentially with tight integration into the memory hierarchy.
Q: Are you in touch with semiconductor startups or have they expressed interest in the lowRISC project?
We’ve been in touch with a range of people already in the semiconductor industry - both startups and more established players. There’s plenty of interest in both lowRISC and the RISC-V instruction set architecture. For instance we just took part in the first RISC-V workshop which sold out, with 140 attendees from around the world including many from well-known Bay Area companies.
Q: How can interested people help?
People can help in a range of ways. There are opportunities to contribute to the high-level design (discussed mostly on our mailing list), plus of course contributing to the hardware implementation (e.g. the Berkeley Rocket SoC generator and our soon to be released fork with tagged memory support), or porting software to RISC-V. With the platform being at this early stage of development I think there’s a whole range of really exciting opportunities to have a large impact. One of our goals is to make the process of contributing as easy as possible, so you may want to keep an eye on our website and announcement list for new documentation and how-to guides. Documentation is of course another area where we’d be very grateful for external contributions.
Q: When will we see the first production release of the lowRISC development board? What specifications will it probably have and do you have a specific price target in mind? Which Linux distribution will run on it?
One of our goals is to run Linux ‘well’. It’s a little early to be talking precise specs, but I’d expect dual or quad core at 1 to1.5 GHz. Reference development boards are likely to include a WiFi/Bluetooth LE module. Our aim would be to produce production silicon towards the tail end of 2016 or beginning of 2017. As for pricing, there are a number of unknowns there as well. For instance we’d like to offer a board with an FPGA for prototyping and development, though we don’t know at this stage whether we’d simplify things by having an FPGA on all boards. It’s a little too early for me to feel comfortable throwing out a certain price, but I’d certainly expect it to be in the range of pricing of currently shipping higher-end single board computers. As for Linux distributions, I expect we’ll have a Debian port by the time of release and the RISC-V community already has Yocto and the beginnings of a Gentoo port.
Q: Have you enjoyed previous FOSDEM editions?
I’m almost ashamed to say this will be my first one. Everyone I know who has been is extremely complimentary, I think unanimously declaring it one of the best Free Software events. I’m very much looking forward to experiencing it for myself.

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