FOSDEM '08 is a free and non-commercial event organised by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet.


Schedule: Roadmap to recovery - pain and redemption in X driver development

Keith Packard
Day Sunday
Room H.2213
Start time 17:00
End time 18:00
Duration 01:00
Event type Podium
Language English
Roadmap to recovery - pain and redemption in X driver development

This talk will showcase a driver that satisfies the requirements of the kernel, X and desktop communities and offers new levels of functionality and performance.

Over the last several years, we've proposed dozens of potential architectures for support of graphics devices in a Linux environment. They have ranged from utterly lame to completely impractical, with only a few showing any potential at all. While this has taken a huge amount of time and energy, it looks to be finally coming to some kind of reasonable resolution.