Brussels / 3 & 4 February 2024


Adolfo García Veytia

Photo of Adolfo García Veytia

Adolfo (@puerco) García Veytia is a Staff Software Engineer with Stacklok based in Mexico City. He is a Technical Lead with Kubernetes SIG Release specializing in supply chain improvements to the software that drives the automation behind the release process.

Adolfo is also one of the original authors of OpenVEX, an OpenSSF project working towards a minimal implementation of VEX that can be easily embedded and attested. He is also a contributor to the SPDX project and a maintainer of several SBOM OSS tools.

Adolfo is passionate about writing software with friends, helping new contributors, and amplifying the Latinx presence in the cloud-native community.


Title Day Room Track Start End
Welcome to the SBOM devroom
Sunday K.4.401 Software Bill of Materials devroom 09:00 09:05
Protobom: The Universal I/O Layer of SBOM
Sunday K.4.401 Software Bill of Materials devroom 10:45 11:00
Panel discussion: Best practices managing SBOMs in the supply chain
Sunday K.4.401 Software Bill of Materials devroom 15:30 16:00