Christophe de Dinechin

Christophe de Dinechin works at Red Hat on confidential computing and confidential containers. He has a long history in free software, with contribution in the field of interactive graphics, programming languages, operating systems, virtualization and games.
Highlights include:
writing the first 3D platform game ever, Alpha Waves, in 1989,
initiating the standard C++ ABI around 1999,
creating Hewlett-Packard's proprietary enterprise-grade hypervisor for Itanium, HPVM,
inventing an extensible programming language, XL, and using it for interactive 3D with Tao3D
building a new modern implementation of RPL, DB48X
Christophe also wrote a science-fiction book (in French) and two books about unification of general relativity and quantum mechanics (Reunifions la Physique, in French, A Theory of Incomplete Measurements, in English), both published under a Creative Commons license and freely downloadable.