Brussels / 3 & 4 February 2024



Day Start End Track(s)
Saturday 10:30 19:00 DNS devroom, Libre-SOC, FPGA and VLSI devroom
Sunday 09:00 17:00 GCC devroom, LLVM devroom
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Saturday Cologne Chip GateMate FPGA -- filling a gap between hardware and software (with a presentation of the GMM-7550 module)
An introduction to Formal Verification of Digital Circuits
Verilog-AMS in Gnucap
FOSS CAD/EDA tools supporting the open access PDK initiative
Using the ECP5 for Libre-SOC prototyping
Writing a consistent-hashing Loadbalancer for the Kong API gateway (ketama principle)
DNS for I2P: Distributed Network without Central Authority
Algo-rollover for .nl
Bootstrapping time on OpenBSD
Let's make people love domain names again
dnsconfd: system integrated DNS cache
Domain: A modular Rust DNS toolkit
The first 13 years of blockchain name systems
Sunday Welcome to the GCC dev room
GCC for new contributors
How to bring up GCC for your new chip
My experience as a first time contributor to GCC's LTO
Unicode Support for GCC Rust
What can Compiler-Explorer do for GCC
Unlocking Secret Analysis in GCC Static Analyzer
Yacking about Bison
Can the mold linker be /usr/bin/ld?
Build Distribution for Maintaining the Famous GCC 4.7
Sega Dreamcast Homebrew with GCC
Welcome to the LLVM dev room
Linker Scripts in LLD and how they compare with GNU ld
Patch based test coverage for quick test feedback
The LLVM Security Group: History, progress, remaining challenges.
Building a Linux distro with LLVM
Build your first Clang compilation database plugin
Challenges of supporting multiple versions of LLVM in Intel Graphics Compiler
elfconv: AOT compiler that translates Linux/AArch64 ELF binary to LLVM bitcode targeting WebAssembly
Map LLVM values to corresponding source-level expressions


Title Speakers Track Start End


  Cologne Chip GateMate FPGA -- filling a gap between hardware and software (with a presentation of the GMM-7550 module)
Anton Kuzmin Libre-SOC, FPGA and VLSI devroom 10:30 11:20
  An introduction to Formal Verification of Digital Circuits
Cesar Strauss Libre-SOC, FPGA and VLSI devroom 11:25 12:05
  Verilog-AMS in Gnucap
Felix, Al Davis Libre-SOC, FPGA and VLSI devroom 12:10 12:40
  FOSS CAD/EDA tools supporting the open access PDK initiative
Wladek Grabinski Libre-SOC, FPGA and VLSI devroom 12:45 13:35
  Using the ECP5 for Libre-SOC prototyping
Tobias Platen (they/them) Libre-SOC, FPGA and VLSI devroom 13:40 14:30
  Writing a consistent-hashing Loadbalancer for the Kong API gateway (ketama principle)
Thijs Schreijer DNS devroom 15:00 15:30
  DNS for I2P: Distributed Network without Central Authority
Konrad Bächler DNS devroom 15:30 16:00
  Algo-rollover for .nl
Stefan Ubbink DNS devroom 16:00 16:30
  Bootstrapping time on OpenBSD
Otto Moerbeek DNS devroom 16:30 17:00
  Let's make people love domain names again
Frédéric Grither, Pierre-Olivier DNS devroom 17:00 17:30
  dnsconfd: system integrated DNS cache
Petr Menšík, Tomas Korbar DNS devroom 17:30 18:00
  Domain: A modular Rust DNS toolkit
Martin Hoffmann DNS devroom 18:00 18:30
  The first 13 years of blockchain name systems
Eyal Ron (Neiman) DNS devroom 18:30 19:00


  Welcome to the GCC dev room
David Malcolm, Thomas Schwinge GCC devroom 09:00 09:05
  GCC for new contributors
David Malcolm GCC devroom 09:05 09:35
  How to bring up GCC for your new chip
Jeremy Bennett GCC devroom 09:35 10:00
  My experience as a first time contributor to GCC's LTO
Rishi Raj GCC devroom 10:00 10:15
  Unicode Support for GCC Rust
Raiki Tamura GCC devroom 10:15 10:35
  What can Compiler-Explorer do for GCC
Marc Poulhiès GCC devroom 10:35 10:50
  Unlocking Secret Analysis in GCC Static Analyzer
Pierrick Philippe GCC devroom 10:55 11:20
  Yacking about Bison
James Lowden GCC devroom 11:20 11:40
  Can the mold linker be /usr/bin/ld?
Rui Ueyama GCC devroom 11:40 12:10
  Build Distribution for Maintaining the Famous GCC 4.7
Oliver Reiche GCC devroom 12:10 12:25
  Sega Dreamcast Homebrew with GCC
Falco Girgis GCC devroom 12:25 12:45
  Welcome to the LLVM dev room
Kristof Beyls, Peter Smith, Marius Brehler LLVM devroom 13:15 13:20
  Linker Scripts in LLD and how they compare with GNU ld
Peter Smith LLVM devroom 13:20 13:40
  Patch based test coverage for quick test feedback
Shivam Gupta LLVM devroom 13:45 13:55
  The LLVM Security Group: History, progress, remaining challenges.
Kristof Beyls LLVM devroom 14:00 14:20
  Building a Linux distro with LLVM
q66 LLVM devroom 14:25 14:55
  Build your first Clang compilation database plugin
Pascal Jungblut LLVM devroom 15:00 15:20
  Challenges of supporting multiple versions of LLVM in Intel Graphics Compiler
Mateusz Belicki LLVM devroom 15:25 15:55
  elfconv: AOT compiler that translates Linux/AArch64 ELF binary to LLVM bitcode targeting WebAssembly
Masashi Yoshimura LLVM devroom 16:00 16:30
  Map LLVM values to corresponding source-level expressions
Shivam Kunwar LLVM devroom 16:35 17:00