Recycle, Reuse, Rebuild: Transformative Tactics for Turning your Brownfields Green
- Track: JavaScript devroom
- Room: H.1301 (Cornil)
- Day: Saturday
- Start: 12:05
- End: 12:30
- Video only: h1301
- Chat: Join the conversation!
In early 2023, having just started as Director of Engineering at a US startup, I was immediately faced with a fascinating challenge: a legacy technology landscape resembling a Rube Goldberg machine—a diverse mix of tools and systems. Join me in 'Recycle, Reuse, Rebuild: Transformative Tactics for Turning Your Brownfields Green' as we navigate the intricacies of transforming this intricate system. I'll share experiences, guide you through my decision-making process, and impart valuable lessons learned.
Unlocking Transformation
Explore the challenges of leveraging open source tools, particularly those resistant to customization. We'll address the common temptation to 'burn it all down' and start anew, emphasizing the strategic middle path of transformation.
Navigating Solution Evolution
Discover how to plan for loosely coupled systems, decide when to repair or rebuild, and strike the right balance between open source and custom solutions.
Empower Your Development
This isn't just about strategies; it's a dynamic conversation aimed at empowering you to transform your brownfields into greener, more sustainable JavaScript landscapes.
This session will be informative and fun for anyone who's ever confronted the joys of working with legacy code.
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Adam Juran |